The famous ancient Roman physician and philosopher Claudius Galen encouraged men to eat cakes with the addition of ginger root to cure sexual impotence.
The Persian physician Avicenna, known since the Middle Ages, mentioned in his notes that ginger "awakens lust". In China, the rhizome of this plant like the reed is still considered the first means to increase strength.
In the article we will show you what beneficial properties ginger has for men and we will give popular recipes to improve strength.
Composition and medicinal properties
Ginger owes its beneficial properties not to vitamins (rhizome contains a small amount of vitamins A, C, E, PP and group B), but a wide range of minerals and acids:
- 5 types of unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, 6) and 5 types of saturated;
- 27 types of minerals, including silicon, boron, copper, iodine, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium;
- Carbohydrates and proteins;
- 9 types of non-essential amino acids and 9 types of irreplaceable;
- purine base;
- phytosterols.
Main medicinal properties of the root:
- Facilitates nausea (including those caused by chemotherapy, radiation), improves digestion.
- Has analgesic effects (both swallowed and aromatherapy with ginger oil).
- Used in the treatment of arthritis, osteoarthritis as an anti-inflammatory agent. Suppresses inflammation caused by kidney stones.
- is an effective antiseptic. Actively active against Helycobacter pylori, staphylococcus, inhibits the growth of tuberculous bacilli and mycobacteria, destroys fungi of the genus Candida.
- Lowers blood pressure as well as cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
- Improves memory and responsiveness.
Roots, powders, tinctures, infusions and fresh decoctions are used for medicinal purposes.
Benefits of Ginger for Men
Ginger is known as a male aphrodisiac because of its ability to stimulate testosterone production and increase libido. Regular use of rhizome extracts in the testis increases the amount of cholesterol, the main ingredient from which Leydig cells synthesize testosterone molecules. At the same time, the weight of the gonads increases slightly. Initially, these properties were confirmed by experiments on rodents, and subsequently, men suffering from infertility participated in the study. After 3 months of regular intake of ginger extract, testosterone levels in the subjects increased by 18%, which led to an improvement in fertility parameters and sperm analysis.Effect on sperm characteristics:
- The amount increased by 16%;
- Mobility - by 43%;
- Total number of specimens without structural pathology - by 18%;
- Vitality - 40%;
- Sperm volume increased by 36% in 3 months.
Ginger root is especially beneficial for overweight men. Excess fat is a source of female hormones and a factor in inhibiting testosterone synthesis.
Ginger helps you gain shape through the following properties:
- Accelerates the appearance of a feeling of satiety during the meal;
- Improves intestinal motor activity, due to which its emptying occurs in time;
- During the 6 hours after a meal, calorie expenditure increases by speeding up the metabolism (thus ginger tea warms you up). As a result, not only are fat burning processes stimulated, but blood circulation is also activated, which is in direct proportion to metabolic processes.
To achieve the above effects, it is enough to eat 4 g of dried, ground ginger every day, distributing this amount for each meal (it can be added to food as a spice).
Ginger Recipe
Ginger rhizome is a publicly available raw material that can be purchased in pharmacies (dried roots, tinctures, capsules, syrup), as well as in hypermarkets in vegetable departments (raw or pickled roots) and spices. (powder, grains). You can use the root in any form. It is most convenient to observe the dose by buying ginger in capsules of 1 g. For other forms of raw materials, there is standardization.
Equivalents of 1 g of ginger extract:
- An integrated root teaspoon.
- 2 teaspoons syrup.
- 2 drops (pipette) of liquid extract.
- 4 cups of tea (2 teaspoons of powder per liter of water).
How much ginger can a person eat per day: the daily rate of the root in each form is from 3 to 6 g.
Is pickled ginger good: Do not eat pickled ginger regularly to increase libido or as a flavoring agent is not recommended by doctors because of the vinegar in the prescription. Such a root will not bring much benefit, but will definitely damage the gastrointestinal tract.

According to urologists, for potential ginger is best taken raw, roasted as tea or mixed with honey.
Recipe for a mixture with honey:100 g of ginger powder for 200 ml of honey. You can add a few teaspoons of bee bread. It will digest well and enrich the composition of the mixture with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytohormones. Method of administration: dilute a teaspoon of the product under the tongue on an empty stomach 1 time per day.
The easiest way to use the root is raw. Just eat a small piece every day. The stimulating effect of ginger potency lasts up to 5 hours.
Raw root is good for both digestion and cleansing the oral cavity (odorless).
Ginger Tincture
Ginger tincture can be prepared with vodka, alcohol (diluted at 40-45 °) and even with purified moonlight. Recipe: 50 g of fresh root pre-wiped, add 1 liter of alcohol (any of the above), leave for 2 weeks. You can add 100 g of honey to soften the taste (sugar does not have this effect). After the expiration date, drain the tincture and throw in containers. The strength of ready-made drinks is about 38 °. In a hermetically sealed bottle, it will be stored for 2 years.
Express version of honey and lemon tincture:
- Remove the zest (yellow crust) from the fully washed lemon, grate it;
- Grind 20 g of ginger root;
- Stir in the ginger, add a pinch of salt, leave for 5 minutes;
- Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the prepared mixture, mix, leave for another 5 minutes;
- Pour a mixture of 0. 5 liters of alcohol, mix, stand for 5-10 minutes;
- Fold the cheese in 4 layers, drain the tincture, then squeeze the cake.
Ready drink with a strength of 34-36 ° will be stored for about a year.
You can take the tincture in order to restore strength a tablespoon before eating. Drink also helps well for colds, hypothermia, overload.
Ginger Wine
Ginger wine will not only help impotence in the beginning. Drinking relieves anxiety and excessive depression, eliminates headaches. Recipe: 3 tablespoons of grated root pour 0. 5 liters of dry white wine (according to reviews, red is also good), leave for 3 weeks. Take for medical purposes in a tablespoon 30 minutes before a meal.
Ginger tea and coffee
Ginger tea has a specific bitter taste and causes profuse salivation. This effect can be neutralized by adding mint and honey (honey should not be put in very hot water - carcinogens are released) and other ingredients.
Tea with honey and lemon:
- Grind the peeled ginger root (about 6 cm long).
- Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon.
- Add ginger and lemon with 3 cups of water, let simmer and simmer for 10 minutes.
- Cool the drink to an acceptable temperature for drinking and add a few tablespoons of honey to taste.

Furthermore, a mixture of ginger, honey, cinnamon, cloves, lemon, nutmeg will help increase metabolism.
- Clove - 2 pieces;
- Juice of 1 lemon;
- Cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom - 0, 5 teaspoons each;
- Chopped (fresh) ginger - 2 tablespoons.
Pour 3 cups of water into the mixture, boil, then add honey.
Original milk tea recipe:
- To 1. 5 cups of cold water, add 5 slices of ginger, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1. 5 teaspoons each;
- Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 3-5 minutes;
- Add a glass of milk, a teaspoon of cardamom.
To increase strength, ginger tea can be drunk 2-3 times a day. For a fat burning effect, it is better to consume drinks after meals.
Enlivens and effectively increases the lust for ginger coffee. To prepare, you need to mix ground ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, rosemary taken in equal proportions, then add half a teaspoon of the mixture to a cup of freshly brewed coffee (you can immediately pour the mixture into the coffee machine whenboil).
Ginger coffee drink:
- Grind the root (about 2 cm long), mix with 2 teaspoons of ground coffee, add 2 cloves
- Pour 400 ml of boiling water into the mixture, stir and leave for 3 minutes.
- Add 2 cups of boiled milk.
Coffee drinks are quite suitable to increase strength immediately before sexual intercourse by increasing blood circulation and stimulating the nervous system.
Ginger and Onion
An onion-ginger mixture is popular in folk medicine. The characteristics of onions greatly enhance the benefits of ginger for men.
- Finely chop the large onion;
- Cut the fresh root (3-4 cm long);
- Mix everything, put in the fridge overnight.
Take one tablespoon of the mixture three times a day, preferably after meals, so as not to irritate the stomach.
Ginger for external use

The healing properties of ginger in terms of potency enhancement appear not only with internal use, but also with external use. An oil made from ginger and honey will help to make a more secure erection due to the rush of blood to the penis. The recipe is simple - just mix a teaspoon of powder and the same amount of honey. Some add black pepper (p teaspoon). The ointment is lightly rubbed on the penis 10 minutes before intercourse, held for about 5 minutes, and then washed off. Important: burning sensation, the appearance of a rash is a reason to wash the product immediately and from now on do not use this method.
Ginger baths, which are actively used not so much to improve strength, but to lose weight and eliminate cellulite, provide a complex effect throughout the body. Recipe: Boil 3 tablespoons of ginger powder in a liter of water, throw in a filled bath. Lie down for 20 minutes (body should be clean).
During the procedure, as a result of increased blood circulation, an additional beneficial effect is obtained on the muscles and joints. Such a bath will relieve fatigue and exhaustion, if after a day of work there is not enough strength for sex and there is no desire.
Contraindications to the systematic use of ginger are:
- Worsening of gastrointestinal ulcers.
- Hemophilia (poor blood clotting), hemorrhoids.
- Pathologies of the liver, cardiovascular system.
- Cholelithiasis (ginger increases bile flow).
If you take more than 4 g of root every day, then heartburn, diarrhea, oral irritation (individual reaction) are likely.
Combination with drugs:
- Improves the action of barbiturates (sedatives), anticoagulants, hypoglycemic drugs (prescribed for diabetes);
- The common reception with means of lowering blood pressure is fraught with the development of hypotension and the appearance of cardiac arrhythmias.
Ginger should not be consumed at night to prevent insomnia. Before using the course, it is recommended to be tested for hormones, as an excess of testosterone will first lead to an enlargement of the testicles, and then to their atrophy.
What to remember:
- Ginger is not a cure for impotence.
- Root-based preparations help stimulate erectile function, increase libido, strengthen immunity, as well as increase overall tone and have a beneficial effect on mental activity.
- The root is especially useful for men planning to have a baby.